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Maths Lead - Miss Nicola Crammond
At St Wilfrid’s, we strive to provide our children with a high quality and engaging mathematics curriculum. Through our teaching of maths, we aim to engage pupils to reason mathematically and stimulate their curiosity, whilst equipping them with the necessary skills they need for everyday life and life beyond school.
Our teaching and learning has been designed around the White Rose Maths Hub to give our children a consistent and smooth progression of learning in calculations across the school. The White Rose Maths Hub is set out in line with the National Curriculum and is taught across all year groups, from Reception to Year 6, which helps to provide a consistent approach to learning.
White Rose Maths
* Curriculum Yearly Overviews (Reception to Year 6)
NCETM Progression Maps - Smaller Steps (Year 1 to Year 6)
* 1. Place Value
* 3. Multiplication and Division
* 4. Fractions
* 5. Ratio and Proportion
* 6. Algebra
* 7. Measurement
* 8. Geometry - Properties of Shape
* 9. Geometry - Position and Direction
* 10. Statistics
Mastering Number Progression Maps
Calculation Policy